a comfortable cup of tea

a comfortable cup of tea

Sunday, December 19, 2010

That time of year ...

It's that time of year once more!
When I prepare a family favorite ...

And gaze upon two, 



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Remembering Women in El Salvador

December 2, 2010 is the 30th Anniversary of the death of the four North American Churchwomen, killed by Salvadoran paramilitary troups.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

on bullying

I have been listening to the recent and all-too-often ugly accounts of bullying among school-age children. It has felt unbelievable to me, until yesterday ...
I went over to the high school behind my house to vote. It is a large building and I had to walk its long hallways to get to the gymnasium where the voting was taking place. I rounded a corner, took several steps and fell forward, landing hard on my knees and hands before ending-up in a prone position. I lay there for a few seconds, somewhat in shock. There was uproarious laughter from students around me. I felt embarrassed and a little afraid that I would not be able to get up.

I finally mustered the courage to crawl towards the wall and use it to steady myself in order to stand. I stood, pulled down my jacket, and walked on toward the gymnasium with the laughing students behind me the entire way. Not one person stopped to give me a hand or ask if I was ok.

Monday, November 1, 2010

recycling old books

I had 8 of these MacMillan Pocket Classics that belonged to my Grandmother and Great Aunt. They were filled with penciled notes and comments from their high school days. I decided to recycle them in order to make them useable and gift them to each of my siblings. I removed the pages from each of the books to use for other ideas. Then I followed Cathi's tutorial to put a pocket on the inside of each cover. I then visited Dollar Tree and found some decorative pads of paper ... some with pockets and others with calendars ... and some cute little mini pens to finish each set.

Friday, October 29, 2010

"I'm a TIGER"

Mijo visiting Aunt Trish at work:
"I'm a TIGER," says Mijo!
[Don't even TH!NK about
calling him T!gger!]
And he makes the cutest little tiger sounds, complete with paw swipe! :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

creating with pages from an old book

I began with an empty salad dressing bottle,
pages from an old book,
and ModPodge (MP).
I covered the bottle with MP using a paintbrush, placed book pages over the wet MP,
and covered the pages with more MP.

I continued to place pages on the bottle,

twisting, turning and overlapping them until I was satisfied.
Then I covered the whole thing once more with MP and let it dry.
A black ribbon from an old pair of drawstring-waisted shorts made a cute bow.

Then I made some flowers with more pages using this tutorial,

attached them to some skewers hanging around in my kitchen drawer,

and placed them in the vase for a finished bouquet that you never have to water.
Hmmmmm, Christmas gifts?
Maybe I'll show you what I did with the cover of the book next time!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend delights for young and "not so young" too!

I spent a wonderful weekend with Mijo and Mom.
We took a little ride on Sunday and stopped to greet some of Mijo's favorite animals along the way.
Mom shows us how to say hello in horse language. Mijo tries to clear the fence.
Anticipating his hello ...
Time to go ...
Mijo's response,
"I wanna stay here, Weewa."
So did I!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Think Mercy

Have you ever thought about it?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Creating ...

Recycling old magazines into picture frames and fun little vessels.
In my next life I want to be an artist ... FULL TIME!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Mercy Day!

In 1824, Catherine used her inheritance to lease property on Baggot Street, a fashionable neighborhood in Dublin, for the purpose of building a large house for religious, educational and social services for women and children. Other women, intrigued by the house and the work for which it was intended, were attracted to Catherine and began to join her preparations for the ministry she planned. On September 24, 1827, the Feast of our Lady of Mercy, the first residents came to live in the house they called the House of Mercy in honor of the day.Catherine’s vision has been carried forth by thousands of Sisters of Mercy in at least 44 countries since her death on November 11th, 1841.Today it is called Mercy International Centre and the mission that began there, continues through the Sisters of Mercy all over the world. HAPPY MERCY DAY!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning It's grey outside , raining, little ones are playing football in the field behind my building,
and people are singing “hallelujah” on the tele. A pair of jeans sits on the chair,
waiting to become a skirt, and the young man on the tele exclaims
“welcome to the choir!”
There’s laundry to do,
pages to write, I cannot get a program to install on the computer, and the choir sings “would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?" I cancelled breakfast with a friend, settled for cookie dough and tears under a quilt, in front of the tele where the choir sings "would you hold my hand?" A couple stands under a roof, birds align on the wire above them, skies brighten, and the choir takes a bow.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Circle of Mercy

"There are things the poor
prize more highly than gold,
though they cost the donor nothing.
Among these are the kind word,
the gentle, compassionate look,
and the patient hearing of their sorrows."Catherine McAuley
Foundress of The Sisters of Mercy
for a musical montage
of the Works of Mercy
around the world!

Friday, September 10, 2010

morning goosebumps ...

I spent the morning in the lounge of the service department while my car was being attended to. I read 3 People magazines and listened - unwillingly - to several cell phone conversations. {After which I half expected to be handed a cigarette and asked if it had been good for me! But that's a whole other topic and does not belong in this blog ...} Service personnel would enter the lounge now and again to find a customer whose car was finished by calling their name. "Tom" ... "Alan" ... "Ed" ... "Sophie" ... "Jason" ... And then it happened ... he said "Sister, you're car is ready" and the entire lounge, myself included, looked up to see who was being summoned. That's when I realized he was talking to ME! {Why is it that after 25 years of being a Sister I still get goosebumps of embarrassment when someone calls me that in public?} So I put down the magazine, listened to the damage being done to my wallet, and gathered-up my belongings. While I waited for the car to be brought around I glanced at the TV but what I paid attention to was the woman I could see out of the corner of my eye. She seemed to be staring my way in great concentration. After about 10 seconds {which feels like an eternity when someone you have not made eye contact with is looking straight at you!} I looked her way and realized she was looking at my foot. I looked down and saw ... Just then I remembered why after 25 years of being a Sister I still get goosebumps of embarrassment when someone calls me that in public.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


From Elementary ...
to take on a new year of study.
Blessings on a new school year!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

"God dwells in you as you"

it was my favorite line of the movie

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tuesday's Eventide ...

Evening Blessings from the lake ...

Sunday, July 25, 2010

SUNday morning ...


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Friday, July 2, 2010

something to be said ...

theresa, if the mind pictures words and the heart feels them, i suppose there is something to be said ... when with eyes closed you can be seen and felt with reminiscing warmth, i believe there is something to be said ... while i pray for your journey and love you from afar, i know there is something to be said ... thank you. sarah

I met Theresa, or "T.O." as we often called her, 25 years ago when she lived and journeyed alongside me as my Novice Director. We became friends in the years that followed and she walked and witnessed me through first and final vows. Yesterday morning she passed away and all I can do now is say thank you through the tears.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

sitting with the Divine

can i tell you where i’ve been? what i’ve done and failed to do … can i tell you who i’ve loved? the risks involved; costs paid, the shame and the ecstasy … can you sit with me a spell? can you hold me till i can feel you? can you love me as i have loved another? can you teach me how to love you? can you rock me in your arms? can you satiate my desire? can you remind me who i’ve been, who i am and will become? can you take my hand in yours, guide me to a brand new day … tell me that you love me now more than yesterday; just as i am, no matter where i’ve been?

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Let's hear it for the Boy!

Last Sunday I attended a dance recital in which my nephew ~ pictured above, I mean ABOVE ~ rocked the house! I mean HE CAN DANCE! If you'd like to see him in action go here ... He's the TALL one with no hair. :) Here he's dancing with his teacher!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dad's first Heavenly Birthday!!

We're celebrating you today, Dad ... Grandpa, Uncle, Cousin, E.H., Harold ... on your first Heavenly Birthday! There are Facebook posts, Mass intentions, cemetery visits, vases of flowers, hot toddy sippers, pizza eaters, and so many fans loving you A WHOLE, GREAT, BIG BUNCH today and everyday since you left us one year ago. Feel free to join us at any time and make your warm presence known. We miss you!

Friday, June 11, 2010

One Week Ago Today

A journal entry from June 26, 2009
My father was buried one week ago today. Before the coffin was closed, people were invited to say their last goodbyes. I waited until everyone else had passed before I went up. He looked asleep, that's all. I removed my mobius ring from my right hand and put it on the little finger of his left hand. I wore it as a reminder that what is inside of us flows constantly outwards and vice-versa. My dad lived that way ~ what you saw is what you got and who he was. It was my way of being with him in the next life to give him the ring. I made a sign of the cross with my thumb on his forehead and sealed it with a kiss. I whispered to him that I loved him and then the casket was closed.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Waking My Dad

A journal entry from June 18, 2009
What did you think of the day, Dad? There were so many people who came to see you ... So much love and respect was spoken of you, so rightly so. I know you were proud of your family today ~ were you surpised by the witness of your life spoken by your grandchildren? They adored you, Dad. I miss you. It felt almost like watching a dream ... Seeing you in that box. I kept waiting for you to open your eyes and smile with your wink, but you did not move. I found myself saying over and over again "I cannot believe my dad has died." I truly am in great disbelief. My tears speak of my great love for you, Dad. I wish you hadn't left us so soon, so quickly. I love you.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

My Dad Left Us Today

A journal entry from June 15, 2009:
My dad left us today. He always said he was counting on there being a purgatory so he'd have a chance at heaven. But he needn't have worried, not even for a second. My dad was one of the kindest, most giving people to walk this earth. He asked nothing of anyone except for them to be themselves. And he had a WONDERFUL sense of humor. He loved to laugh and he used to thank Trish and me for coming by and making him laugh. All of his children received his sense of humor and love of laughter. My dad was greatly respected by all of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all of whom are shedding tears this night. I miss you, Dad, and "I love you a whole great big bunch."

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Visit With Dad

A journal entry from June 4, 2009:
I saw my dad today. I could not believe my eyes. I took his hand and he held on tight. He looked so sick, so weak. I struggled to keep my tears inside - I did not want to scare him. He just kept smiling at me and mouthing the words "I love you" over and over again. I gave him my card and Trish read to him the message I'd written inside ...
If I could choose to be anyone I wanted to be
I would choose to be you.
You are goodness and light,
peace and mercy,
generosity and grace,
kindness and love.
You are a helper to those in need
and a consoler to those in sorrow.
You are strength, patience, and welcomer
to everyone and everything that crosses your path.
From you I have learned that every gift needs to be shared
and every person be given a seat;
that animals should be respected
and children taken care of;
that truth allows freedom
and money deserves responsibility;
that patriotism involves love
and family is everything.
I love you, Dad, with every single bit of my heart and soul,
and I thank you for finding me worthy to be your daughter.
I love you,
Trish put it on the wall where he could see it before we left.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Home Again

A journal entry from June 4, 2009:

You have grown so much, Mijo, but you're still my little peanut. I love your waddly walk and fascination of all things new; your nose-scrunching smile and courageous abandon to push the limit - even if it is your own. And your love of song and musical instruments makes my soul soar. To end the day rocking you to sleep in my arms ~ or was it me in your arms? Either way was pure Sacrament; a Sacred moment for which I am deeply grateful. Tomorrow, Mijo, when I venture to visit your Grandpa, I will remember this night, these moments, and take virtual refuge in your arms. I will invite Grandpa to join us this time.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Remembering Dad

Last year at this time my father was quite ill and preparing to undergo a necessary surgery to restore his health. Because I was some 500 miles away and the surgery was deemed risky for his age and current health, I prepared to travel to visit him a week before he was to go into surgery. I knew I had only a couple of days to spend with him and that this could possibly be my goodbye. I wanted to leave him SOMEthing, but what? I decided to make him a card. I put a crayon in my nondominant hand and drew a picture of him with his eight children. He would be delighted with something made by hand, no matter what it looked like. I would take it with me and add a message to the inside before I saw him ...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Everyday faith ...

I read this morning on Facebook an entry that asked: "How do you live life so your faith is totally part of your life?"

Here's my answer: I try to recognize daily at least one thing for which I am grateful about myself and the day ... and when I can't think of anything, I listen for butterfly sneezes ~ works every time! ;]

Monday, May 24, 2010

How'd you spend YOUR weekend?

I spent the weekend hanging out with Mijo. He LOVED seeing himself on his Aunt's computer screen - so much so that he even waved! :)

We visited with my newest grandnephew, JJ. He is the tiniest, cutest little peanut! Mijo couldn't wait to get his hands on his little primo ... and when he did, JJ went fast asleep ...

When he wasn't holding JJ, he helped JJ's Grandma feed him. I guess he thought he was better equipped seeing as how he had more recently been at that stage!?

Oh yeah, when he wasn't holding or helping with JJ ... he was attached to JJ's Mama ... she said it was a cultural thing! ;]

a comfortable cup of tea ...
