I spent the weekend hanging out with Mijo.
He LOVED seeing himself on his Aunt's computer screen -
so much so that he even waved! :)
We visited with my newest grandnephew, JJ. He is the tiniest, cutest little peanut! Mijo couldn't wait to get his hands on his little primo ... and when he did, JJ went fast asleep ...
When he wasn't holding JJ, he helped JJ's Grandma feed him. I guess he thought he was better equipped seeing as how he had more recently been at that stage!?
Oh yeah, when he wasn't holding or helping with JJ ... he was attached to JJ's Mama ... she said it was a cultural thing! ;]
Thank u Sarah for all ur help this weekend with Cristian. He had a wonderful time with u & the rest of the Foster's. U gave us a day to help a close H.S. Friend with her Battle with Pancreatic Cancer. Thank u again. P.S. He was still talking with that raspy voice (before he went to sleep) U know the 1 u taught him?
LOVE the pics! I am so happy I was able to see everyone and catch up a bit-we should do it more often. And THANK YOU again for the beautiful quilt--it's currently being used in the crib because Daddy keeps the house like the Arctic in the summer:) I'll take pics and send them along!
Omg, how beautiful, Sarah! They're absolutely adorable and precious!
Thank you for sharing your rays of sunshine! :))
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