a comfortable cup of tea

a comfortable cup of tea

Thursday, October 28, 2010

creating with pages from an old book

I began with an empty salad dressing bottle,
pages from an old book,
and ModPodge (MP).
I covered the bottle with MP using a paintbrush, placed book pages over the wet MP,
and covered the pages with more MP.

I continued to place pages on the bottle,

twisting, turning and overlapping them until I was satisfied.
Then I covered the whole thing once more with MP and let it dry.
A black ribbon from an old pair of drawstring-waisted shorts made a cute bow.

Then I made some flowers with more pages using this tutorial,

attached them to some skewers hanging around in my kitchen drawer,

and placed them in the vase for a finished bouquet that you never have to water.
Hmmmmm, Christmas gifts?
Maybe I'll show you what I did with the cover of the book next time!


Trish :) said...

Beautiful!!!!! And to think, I only showed 'ya how to do it once! You're so good!!!

sarah, rsm said...

Careful there, little sister ... Santa might be listening! :o

Regina said...

I love this!! thank you for sharing!

a comfortable cup of tea ...
