a comfortable cup of tea

a comfortable cup of tea

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Creating ...

Recycling old magazines into picture frames and fun little vessels.
In my next life I want to be an artist ... FULL TIME!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Mercy Day!

In 1824, Catherine used her inheritance to lease property on Baggot Street, a fashionable neighborhood in Dublin, for the purpose of building a large house for religious, educational and social services for women and children. Other women, intrigued by the house and the work for which it was intended, were attracted to Catherine and began to join her preparations for the ministry she planned. On September 24, 1827, the Feast of our Lady of Mercy, the first residents came to live in the house they called the House of Mercy in honor of the day.Catherine’s vision has been carried forth by thousands of Sisters of Mercy in at least 44 countries since her death on November 11th, 1841.Today it is called Mercy International Centre and the mission that began there, continues through the Sisters of Mercy all over the world. HAPPY MERCY DAY!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning It's grey outside , raining, little ones are playing football in the field behind my building,
and people are singing “hallelujah” on the tele. A pair of jeans sits on the chair,
waiting to become a skirt, and the young man on the tele exclaims
“welcome to the choir!”
There’s laundry to do,
pages to write, I cannot get a program to install on the computer, and the choir sings “would you know my name if I saw you in heaven?" I cancelled breakfast with a friend, settled for cookie dough and tears under a quilt, in front of the tele where the choir sings "would you hold my hand?" A couple stands under a roof, birds align on the wire above them, skies brighten, and the choir takes a bow.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Circle of Mercy

"There are things the poor
prize more highly than gold,
though they cost the donor nothing.
Among these are the kind word,
the gentle, compassionate look,
and the patient hearing of their sorrows."Catherine McAuley
Foundress of The Sisters of Mercy
for a musical montage
of the Works of Mercy
around the world!

Friday, September 10, 2010

morning goosebumps ...

I spent the morning in the lounge of the service department while my car was being attended to. I read 3 People magazines and listened - unwillingly - to several cell phone conversations. {After which I half expected to be handed a cigarette and asked if it had been good for me! But that's a whole other topic and does not belong in this blog ...} Service personnel would enter the lounge now and again to find a customer whose car was finished by calling their name. "Tom" ... "Alan" ... "Ed" ... "Sophie" ... "Jason" ... And then it happened ... he said "Sister, you're car is ready" and the entire lounge, myself included, looked up to see who was being summoned. That's when I realized he was talking to ME! {Why is it that after 25 years of being a Sister I still get goosebumps of embarrassment when someone calls me that in public?} So I put down the magazine, listened to the damage being done to my wallet, and gathered-up my belongings. While I waited for the car to be brought around I glanced at the TV but what I paid attention to was the woman I could see out of the corner of my eye. She seemed to be staring my way in great concentration. After about 10 seconds {which feels like an eternity when someone you have not made eye contact with is looking straight at you!} I looked her way and realized she was looking at my foot. I looked down and saw ... Just then I remembered why after 25 years of being a Sister I still get goosebumps of embarrassment when someone calls me that in public.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


From Elementary ...
to take on a new year of study.
Blessings on a new school year!
a comfortable cup of tea ...
