In my elementary teaching days, this time of year would be spent putting the final touches on the Christmas Play. Students from kindergarten through grade 8 would sing and tell and act out the journey of Mary and Joseph to Bethlehem for the birth of Jesus. When the time came for the baby to be born, Mary ~ played by an eighth grade girl ~ would be handed a real baby from behind. The role of Baby Jesus was sometimes played by a boy and sometimes played by a girl; it all depended on which student had the youngest brother or sister at the time!
I think Mijo would make a marvelous Baby Jesus this year:
I agree-he is just too cute!!
Mijo has the sweetest, calming, and
huggable disposition. Wholeheartedly agree! :))
He is just too cute! If your cell phone accepts videos, email me your number because do I have a video for you! :-)
Mijo is sooooo stinkin' cute!!!
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