a comfortable cup of tea

Saturday, May 31, 2008
Am I?
Maybe, but that’s much too strong an answer.
I’m not even sure I know what that life is.
It contains a lot of love -
Visceral love,
Intuitive love,
Not the kind you think about or question.
Thou love.
Happiness, too.
Elation perhaps.
Laughter and tears
In equal increments.
Feelings deep, but not yet
Eternal, or stagnant.
Altruistic -
The kind of integrity
Which transforms lives,
And never relinquishes to
Thoughtful. Compassionate.
Simple and certainly
Open to
Life and not
Intimidated to be
Vulnerable -
Emotionally and
Never forgetting that Only
Mercy is
Friday, May 30, 2008
Can anything good come from cancer?

In October 2002 and February 2003, two of my closest friends ~ Mary and +Anita ~ were diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. Instead of succumbing to the hideous disease, both of them fought with gentle patience and deep faith that their time had not yet been realized upon this earth. It has been both heart-wrenching and Blessing to have walked alongside such feminine faces of God as these two soul-sisters. I bid an earthly farewell to +Anita on 27 Oct. 2006, and am presently preparing to do the same with Mary. But tomorrow I walk for and with them both through the streets of downton in the Komen Detroit Race for the Cure. This is for you, Mary and +Anita.
"Live your life with purpose and let the days of God give you meaning; share your life with those who inspire your days and invite you to greatness for the sake of others so that, at the end of your days, you will find that your life has made a difference to someone, for something, and most importantly for the Creator." +Anita, Feb. 2005
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Keeping Me Sane

Are they not just the cutest??
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
a new journey ...
It was sunny in the meadow, almost spring, her favorite time of year. She sat alone upon her often-visited rock watching a small honeybee circle and then land in the center of a wildflower.
“Little bee,” she asked, “Do you ever wonder why you are a bee?” But the bee didn’t answer. Well, maybe it did, but she didn’t hear it. She was off the rock and halfway across the meadow when the bee began to buzzzzzz.
She ran and skipped, keeping time with the fidgety raccoons and whistling birds until she came upon an old, weathered tree trunk. She may have missed the browning chameleon had it not been frightened by her footsteps and jumped to take cover. She spotted the tiny creature, no bigger than her hand, as its sides moved slowly in and out with each breath.
“Little chameleon,’ she asked, “Do you ever wonder why you are a chameleon?” But she didn’t expect the chameleon to answer and turned to follow a path before the creature commenced to ssssssay.
She followed the path as it narrowed and twisted for what seemed like a very long way. The sky began to darken and the breeze, sweeping her cheeks, painted them a rosy pink. Just as she thought to turn and head back, she noticed a clearing ahead, partially lit, and felt the air begin to warm as she neared.
When she got to the clearing, she saw a fire crackling in front of a dark and mysterious cave. There was someone sitting at the fire. She stood very still staring at the person and the warm flame.
The person wore a long robe with a hood and blew a tune through a wooden reed. She knew the tune well, for she had made it up during her long walks in the meadow. She knew there could be just one other person who also knew the tune and that someone was Only.
She listened as Only played on and motioned her to come closer. Feeling like a small child, she was hoisted up and into a soft and comfortable lap. She could feel Only’s heart as it beat against her back, pumping life into her very being.
When the music stopped, she turned and, looking into Only’s face, asked, “How do you know my song?”
Only looked long and far into her eyes and answered, “I’ve been singing it to you since the day you were born.”
Raising a hand to her forehead Only made a sign and gently sealed it with a kiss. Lifting her to her feet, Only directed, “Go, my child, and be.”
It was sunny in the meadow, almost spring, her favorite time of year. She sat upon her often-visited rock watching a tiny chameleon, its sides moving slowly in and out with each breath, as it sat upon her lap.
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