I’ve designed and purchased silicone bracelets - like the ones everyone is wearing these days to call attention to different causes! My design is royal blue in color, debossed in white with a Mercy cross in a circular shape at the center, and the words MERCY and MISERICORDIA on either side. The experiment is to wear the bracelet for 365 days, and keep a running tally of how many times you are invited to talk about Mercy when someone notices it on your wrist. That’s it!
Because it was more economical to buy in bulk and the company was running an offer for 100 free with the purchase of 100, I have 200 bracelets ready to adorn some Witnessing Wrists! Everyone in the Mercy family is invited to participate and can speak to Mercy from her/his own experience…I have 3 colleagues whom have already made claims.
If you would like to participate, all I ask is that you 1) send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope; 2) keep a tally of the inquiries made within a 365 day period; 3) email me the results of your Witnessing Wrist at the end of your experiment. I will put bracelets in the first 200 envelopes I receive and get them in the mail.
In Mercy, Sarah